Saturday, March 31, 2007


Early Doors

Barely light and the preparations begin.

The hair and make up specialists swing into operation like a well oiled machine.

The room door was usually closed so I had to tip toe in to get this shot.


Maria, radiant from the necklace up. Pity I couldn't get the pink slippers in as well.

All on schedule so far.

Hanging About
Car and flowers a bit late in arriving so time for this pic of Maria and Dad, Roberto.

Car arrived eventually and so did the flowers and Maria left for the church at roughly the time she was due to arrive there!


Kevin, Niall and Steve wait anxiously.

Kevin is working out how much the rings are worth if she doesn't show up.

Niall is wondering if he can get anything back on the suit.

Steve is in his favourite fantasy. Ipswich Town win the Premiership title.

At this time, I am still whizzing down the motorway at a speed approaching that of light, piloted by San Miguels answer to Buzz Lightyear, the lovely and fragrant Carola.

Something is stirring at the back of the church.

Is it a bird ? Is it a plane?


It's Maria and Roberto.

Now tell me you you haven't got damp eyes at the sight of those smiles.

On the way in.

Now on the way out as Mr and Mrs.


No caption needed for this one.


Formal pics now.

Official photos not yet available so 'Thanks' to all who contributed their photos.

Happy Couple (H C) and Bro Niall.
Rings and suit problems solved.


H.C with Marias brother, Roberto and sisters, Carola (far left), Channy (next to Maria).
Channy holding her Alfonso, called Chanchito, and , l to r, Felipe, called Pipi, Francesco, called Pancho and Tomas, called, well, Tomas actually,
most of the time.

Sisters and bro again, sans children.

Mum and Dad

H.C. with Roberto and Maria Angelica, Maria Angelicas Dad and Mum. Got that?

Mamy Llanos make a mean bean and sweetcorn ' soup '. Delicious. Her palta is great as well and her lovely, strong, sweet, Cuban coffee is sufficiently like rocket fuel to keep you in orbit for an hour or two.

General shot of the feeding area.

H.C. feeding.

Cake Time.

So that is the church wedding hilites folks. The civil ceremony pics will follow sometime as will the 600 or so other wedding pics I have stored away.

Then we will start on the hundreds of pics of ststues!

Happy Birthday Karen. The compromising photos of you on the Non Stag Stag Night will follow, I promise.

1 comment:

Georgie Porgie said...

Great to see the wedding pics! Brilliant. Hope you are well. Felicia (other half of Steve W)